Coronavirus Guidance

The safety and wellbeing of the public, competitors, staff & contractors is of upmost importance to the Colours Boat Races.

We are continually monitoring the coronavirus (Covid-19) situation along with HSE advice and recommendations, and have completed a risk assessment that details the limited risk involved given the low and dispersed crowd numbers, limited travel and limited contact between competitors.

Currently the event is proceeding as planned with additional control measures detailed below. However action is required from all participants to minimise the spread of infection. We are committed to following HSE advice and ask that you read the guidelines below carefully.

Given the fluid nature of the situation these guidelines may be amended. Any updates will be available here or on our social media channels.
Updated 11/3/2020 11:30am

Please do not attend if:

  • you are feeling unwell
  • you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the coronavirus
  • you have recently returned from an affected area
  • you are in an at-risk group

If attending, please:

  • Follow the instructions of stewards, for example they may request that crowds disperse to maintain social distance
  • Wash your hands properly and often with soap or an alcohol based hand rub
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze
  • Put used tissues into a bin and wash your hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are not well
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

On the Day

All staff, contractors & athletes will be briefed on the Colours Boat Races 2020 procedures in place for Covid-19.

  • Staff briefing will take place in an open air space allowing social distance to be maintained
  • Athletes will be briefed at their respective rowing clubs

Each bridge (including the start and finish line) will have alcohol gel available for staff and members of the public alongside information posters detailing the above guidance.

Medical teams will have procedures in place for dealing with any suspected cases at the event.

More Information

Please exercise caution and follow the advice and recommendations available from the HSE and HPSC websites.